How Does This Work, Anyway?
It Works Like This...
In a nutshell, you purchase a monthly subscription using your credit card or paypal and you're charged $4 (or whatever you choose to donate) at the start of every month to support the creation of the comics you enjoy. Your support directly funds the day-to-day production of these comics, effectively (hopefully, eventually) replacing corporate page rates as my sole means of income.
And as an additional bonus you'll get exclusive behind-the-scenes stuff, early access to new books and products and discounts on everything!
You can adjust the donation amount whenever you want or cancel your subscription whenever you choose–it's up to you!
I believe in free content online and I believe there are enough of you who do, too, to make this work.
All-Access Pass
You'll have access to full-length process videos, pre-production drawings, sketches, and all sorts of fun behind-the-scenes stuff that doesn't usually see the light of day. AND you'll also be part of the discussion by having access to comments on posts.
As a subscriber, you'll get a site-wide 10% Discount off of everything in my shop. Books, clothing, prints, even original art sales and commissions! That adds up to quite a bit.
And it even applies to convention sales. Let me know you're a subscriber and you'll get the same discount in person (and probably a hug).
Early Bird Perks
You'll have first dibs on everything I do. When I launch a new book, you'll get advance notice of it and have the opportunity to get in on early-bird pricing and options.
When I open up limited commission availability, you'll be the first to hear about it.
When I give away signed books, sketches and other things, you'll be entered automatically into the draw.
As a Thank-You...
A Free Gift
Download the digital versions of The Abominable Charles Christopher: Volumes One and Two, and the first issue of Death Transit Tanager as a free gift for signing up!